Cara Membuat Situs

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Cara Membuat Situs
Hal pertama yang harus kamu lakukan saat membuat website sendiri adalah memperoleh nama domain kamu sendiri. Sebuah domain adalah nama yang ingin kamu berikan untuk website yang kamu buat. Sebagi contoh, nama domain website yang sedang kamu baca ini adalah “”. Untuk memperoleh nama domain, kamu harus membayar biaya sewa tahunan sebagai hak penggunaan nama tersebut. Yah, kamu tahu sendirikan, kalau nama website itu harus unik, dan hanya satu-satunya di internet. Kalau tidak orang pasti akan bingung mana web site punya kamu dan mana website yang milik orang lain. Jadi, di seluruh internet, kamu pasti hanya akan menemukan sebuah website yang alamatnya Got that?

Well, before you think of all sorts, to remind me that having a domain name does not mean you already have a website. Yet. Remember, the domain name is just a name. As you apply for a PT or CV business in the real world. Having a license does not mean you have a store or warehouse is not it?
Please see the tutorial to make this website to get tips on choosing a good domain name for your website.

Choose A Web Hosting
The next step in the process of creating your own website is choosing a web hosting. A web hosting is basically a company that has several computers that are always connected to the internet. If you put your web pages on their computer, then the whole world can contact the computer and look at your website pages. You need to register first to web hosting to create websites that you have a "home". If you have a domain name can be likened to having a business license, then have a web hosting account is approximately similar to renting an office or shop for your business.
Renting? Yes, for a paid web hosting. Of course you can choose a paid web hosting or a free Web Hosting. You can also read a short tutorial on creating a website on the paid hosting

You can see some interesting tips when choosing a web hosting I've ever written before. Please read first so you have a guide when determining the choice later.
How? Interesting is not it. In another post we will discuss next steps in creating websites that make web design.

In choosing a hosting package, you are a few things to be concerned are:
1. Server systems are used whether Linux or Windows. 
This will determine the software and website programming language that can be used. Most people use Linux. You select Linux only.

2. Given the amount of Disk Space.
Disk Space is the capacity of the server hosting that is given to you, to save the files on your website. As the amount of space to store your files on your computer. Surely the best option is a hosting package that gives Disk Space to suit your needs.

3. Bandwidth is the amount given.
Bandwidth is the capacity of a given monthly access for accessing your website. Any person who opened the website or download a file from your website to be displayed on browser firefox or internet explorer it will download your file, it will eat bandwidth. Bandwidth usage and capacity will be reset every month.

4. Domains Allowed. Number of domains that can be used in a hosting package.
You can use 1 piece of the hosting package for all your domain if hosting package gives access to it, and you also need to consider the amount of disk space and bandwiidth given, is it enough to run your domains.

5. Database allowable amount. Example for Linux, how many are allowed to MySQL database.
To purchase this domain and hosting does not need to do on a single company. You can buy them from different places. All you need to do is connect between the domain and hosting is by setting the DNS (Domain Name Server) on your domain account. This is done to connect them with a hosting domain.

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